Archive for the
‘Magento’ Category

December 14, 2022


by: ntluan2012


Categories: Ecommerce, Magento, News, Shopware

When it comes to attaining gradual growth, there are three things that you need to keep in mind: Save time Save money Sell more It is that simple. But the reason why most of the businesses fail to attain growth is the fact that they only focus on the third aspect, completely ignoring the first [...]

November 17, 2022


by: ntluan2012


Categories: Magento, News, Shopware

Magento has dominated the e-commerce landscape for years, and it is not likely to change anytime soon. The Magento eCommerce platform offers a wide range of features and proved to be a great choice for large projects. Shopware is a leading eCommerce PHP-based platform for creating modern and easy-to-use eCommerce shops for small and medium-sized [...]

September 6, 2022


by: ntluan2012


Categories: Digital Transformation, Magento

With the onset of the global pandemic, the shift towards online shopping is rapidly becoming the new normal. In 2021 alone, eCommerce generated 4.9 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. And it’s not expected to slow down any time soon. A forecast by reports that eCommerce is set to grow by 50 percent over the next four […]